Seriously, how do you drink your coffee?
You may think that is a silly question, but it is definitely not. The last few years have revealed that coffee is not the evil beverage many people think of it as. In the past, you were told that drinking coffee could cause a lot of health problems. You were warned not to drink much coffee, and to avoid it entirely if that was at all possible.
Actually, the exact opposite is true.
Coffee is incredibly healthy … when you drink the right kind, the right amount and drink in the right way.
There definitely are “right” and “wrong” ways to prepare and drink energy-boosting coffee.
You probably drink coffee because it is flavorful and robust. You can choose light or dark roasts, there are coffee beans from all over the world that lend their own, unique boldness and flavor, and so there truly is a coffee for everyone. You enjoy the morning jolt it gives you, so you can start your day alert and energetic.
As far as the popularity of coffee goes, you are definitely not alone